The writer of a devotion that I read several years ago said that our lives often parallel Holy Week. We have a Palm Sunday – celebration. We move on to Thursday – betrayal. Thursday is followed by death on Friday. Saturday is a day where God seems silent. Then comes Sunday – a day of new life.
I think there is truth to this analogy. I was particularly drawn to God’s apparent silence on Saturday. I was drawn to Saturday because I have noticed God’s apparent silence during times of suffering.
I know many people who are suffering. For some, it is the death of a loved one. For others, it is the death (or perhaps postponement) of dreams and plans. Others are facing health issues. I believe when God is silent it is because He is holding us so tightly. He is silent because we are not ready for anything else but His silent embrace. While we may not recognize it, He is with us. Hold tight to that belief and hold tight to God. God is with us even when we do not believe it. For me, these are the times when He has held me the closest. Silently, patiently, waiting for me to be able to hear His words – you are my child, and you are loved. And remember, Sunday will follow Saturday. We may think Sunday will never come, but it does.